Bills are proposed laws presented to a legislature for enactment. They must go through several stages of debate, revision, and approval before becoming law.
Last updated
Bills are proposed laws presented to a legislature for enactment. They must go through several stages of debate, revision, and approval before becoming law.
Last updated
Select Bills from the list of menu items on the dashboard.
Click Add Bill
Type in the key details. The fields with * are compulsory and must be populated.
Title: Enter the title of the bill.
Jurisdiction: Specify the jurisdiction to which the bill applies. For example, "Zambia" For regional bills such as EAC bills, Jurisdictions should be " African regional bodies"
Locality: If applicable, provide more specific locality details. For bills from African regional bodies, set the locality to the relevant organization. For example, use "East African Community" for EAC-related bills.
Date: Enter the date associated with the bill. This could be the date it was introduced, passed, or another relevant date.
Language: Indicate the language in which the bill is written, e.g., "English."
Author: Enter the name of the entity that issued the bill
Upload File: Click the "Choose File" button to browse your computer and select the file that contains the bill.
Taxonomies: Click this tab to categorize the bill using predefined tags or categories. This can assist with the organization of bills on pages. For example, EAC bills will be categorised under the Foreign Legislation topic
Custom Properties: This tab is used to track specific information about bills, specifically sponsor details.
Click save.
Click view on site to view the bill.
To make edits to the bill you added, Click the edit button on the top right corner of the page
Make the necessary changes and click save again