Construction of the MNC

The MNC is constructed of the case name and the unique core part of the citation.

The MNC includes the case name and the core part of the citation: the year, the court identifier and the sequential number.

Year of decisionCourt identifierSequential number




Case name

The MNC standard does not specify the makeup of the case name. This is dependent on the law reporting practices of the jurisdiction in which the court operates. See section on case naming.

Core part of the citation:

  1. The year element represents the year the decision was handed down, enclosed in square brackets (e.g. “[2020]”).

  2. The court identifier follows the information relating to the year of the decision. Each court has a distinct court identifier. Different seats of the courts (e.g. a high court that has seats in different towns in the country) are not included in the court identifier unless they matter in jurisdictional terms. The LII system can capture registry information.

  3. The sequential number represents the consecutive number of the decision in relation to other decisions handed down in a particular year by the particular court.


Republic Vrs High Court (Criminal Division 9) Accra Ex Parte: Ecobank Ghana Ltd and Others, is the sixth judgment handed down in 2022 by the Supreme Court of Ghana, hence the core MNC assigned to the judgment is:

[2022] GHASC 6

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